Register Now for JAN 21, 2025
See bottom of page, click and get details of the first night...Orientation... including the address!
See bottom of page
for details of ORIENTATION
When you join/sign up it is in one person's name! That person is the trainer and member.
Two dogs one trainer? You pay member prices for the second dog and sign up for a DIFFERENT class. STARR puppy would be $170 first member with dog and $50 for 2nd dog (in Basic Skills) with the same trainer/member.
Two dogs two trainers? Two full memberships. (Basic skills would be $120 each member)
Two dogs two trainers? Two full memberships. (Basic skills would be $120 each member)
You are not enrolled until you have completed the form and payment is received!
Cancellation policy for Basic Skills, S.T.A.R. and Special Needs: If you cancel before orientation you can receive a refund, less a $15 processing fee. If you cancel after orientation, NO refund will be given except for medical reasons, however you will have the option to attend a later class.