Berks County Dog Training Club BASIC SKILLS CLASS (For dogs 6 months and older)
Do you and your dog have a failure to communicate? By enrolling in our 8-week basic skills class, you will learn how to teach your dog to sit, lie down, stand, stay, walk nicely on leash and come when called. Plus you are a member and may attend our member training classes for the balance of the year to continue your dog’s education. COST: $120.00 for Non-Members (this includes 8 weeks of the club’s Basic Skills Class, plus a club membership with training the rest of the year). $6500 for Club Members (Basic skills class only) Fall & Winter sessions: Orientation is held on a Tuesday, at 7:00 pm FOR EVERYONE Details are at the bottom of every page. Bring proof of vaccination to orientation. Orientation will be WITHOUT YOUR DOG Following orientation your class will begin the next week at your scheduled time for 8 weeks, except Saturday (Summer) will begin the week of orientation. Once your application is accepted, you will become a training member of the Berks County Dog Training Club. Information about club membership will be mailed to you with your confirmation letter. Cancellation policy: If you cancel before orientation you can receive a refund, less a $15 processing fee. If you cancel after orientation, NO refund will be given except for medical reasons, however you will have the option to attend a later class.
Members: If you are a current, paid up member you will pay for just the class. Recent BCDTC S.T.A.R.R. Puppy Class Graduate: You have already paid for this class. just list your class and hit submit button, no need to pay again. NO $2 FEE. Recent Special Needs Class Graduate: You have already paid for this class. just list your class and hit submit button, no need to pay again. NO $2 FEE.
$120includes 8 weeks of basic skills plus the balance of the year as a member including weekly member training and more. There is a $2 on line administration fee.
Basic Skills Class includes:
8 weeks of training
We will cover: Come when called, Heeling, Sit, Down, Stay and more.
Membership including weekly training opportunities through the balance of the year.
A monthly newsletter with your membership.
Other training opportunities like nose work, agility and tracking are offered.
8 weeks of training
We will cover: Come when called, Heeling, Sit, Down, Stay and more
Besides the basic commands of obedience, your dog learns how to learn. Also you learn how to teach. Plus your instructor may be able to help you with unwanted behaviors at home. The basic principles apply too many situations.
When your dogs learn that working for you pays off with praise and rewards they try harder to please and that turns into respect for you as a leader.
Also, very importantly, your dog learns how to work and behave around other dogs. There is a socializing component that may be the most important part. If your dog behaves and listens in your kitchen but no where else you are not going to enjoy taking your dog places with the family.