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bottom of this page and is changing New Graduates: Read articles about membership and training; |
Member Training ScheduleWeekly Training schedule: 5:30 until 7 is open training (no instructor). You can use the equipment 7PM - Beginner Novice 7PM - Novice 8PM - 9 PM open training You will see more specific schedules in your newsletter. The second Thursday of most months there is a match. Yes, its coming...winterAnd what will you and your pup do on snow days?
HOW ABOUT TEACHING THEM SOME TRICKS? The AKC website has a long list of tricks and videos to help you teach! The perfect snow day project. Rally ClassesWeekly Indoor Training schedule: Thursdays, 5:30 -7PM Join us, all levels, no cost for members. GET ON THE EMAIL LIST [email protected]
New members -
You now have a page of information to help you get what you want and your dog get what he needs! |
What are titles? The AKC (and other organizations) give you and your dog a chance to show what you have learned. And in the process you earn titles. In obedience you can earn a Companion Dog (CD), Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) or Utility Dog (UD) titles plus more. And you can go on from there to Masters and champion levels.