Our classes would help your dog to understand he doesn't own everything in your house so he doesn't need to mark it. The class puts you and your dog on a new track for your future relationship. But you need to do much more. First - NEUTER THE DOG. The intact males are MUCH more likely to mark Second -clean all his in-house spots with vinegar!! not ammonia based carpet cleaner. Third - males don't just pee once. they have a number that they need to hit. So take him for a long walk and count how many times he lifts his leg. Then that is how many times he has to go before you bring him back in the house every time. After cleaning, walking and counting Start fresh. Crate him in the house during this process as if he were a new puppy. Teach him the "NO MARK" command. He should be on leash. Decide on something like cars that you wont let him mark. If he starts to left his leg, pull him slightly off balance and say no mark. After a few days of this if he seems to get it, say no mark when he enters your home. lots of supervision. Access to one room at a time. |